Friday 27 February 2009

Nazi Party

This website has many web pages.I just read a web page is really about the Nazi Party.However,it doesn't have any picture.= =
In addition,it has many pieces of information about this party.

I learned about this party named Germany Worker's Party before Adolf Hitler become the leader.Also,the Nazi Party controlled virtually all activities in Germany until Germany's defeat in World War Two.

This website wrote many things about Hitler,but I think it has a great piece of information to learn this party.

I learned about under the leadership of Hitler,this party came to power in Germany in
1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until 1945.
And it founded as rhe the Germany Worker's Party by Anton Drexler.

This website talked about this party in many ways,like its terror and its racism.

I learned about its terror in this website.
After Hitler became chancellor of Germany in January 1993,it turned into a one-party
enforce Nazi policies.
After that,individuals lost the right to privacy which meant that officials could read people's mails,listen in on telephone conversations,and search private homes without a warrant. In that time, people in Germany didn't have any human rights at all.

picture1:the chancellor to review troops
picture2:it is from the website NO.3 .It is the solders of Nazi.

Saturday 21 February 2009


This website is easy to read,but it is useful to learn about Hitler.

I learned about Hitler was the leader of "Nazi Germany".

And he led Germany throughout "World War Two".

However, they lost this war.After that,Hitler killed himself on April 30 1945.

This website has a lot of difficult words,so I just read a little.

But Ithink it is also useful.

I learned about Hitler was born in a small town of Braunau Am Inn,Austria on the evening of A pril 20.1889.

his mother "Klara"and his father "Alois Hitler"married in 1884.

Of the six children born of this marrage,only two survived,Adolf(Hitler) and a youngrt sister

called Puala.
This website is many small words,but it is detailed.
I learned about Hitler'early life.
When Hitler was three years old,his family moved to Passau.
By 1990,Hitler's talents as an artist surfaced.He did well enough in school.
And he quit school at yhe age of 16 after his father died.
photo1:Master Hitler
photo2:the baby Adolf Hitler
I learned a lot of things about Hitler in each website.
They will be practical in the future.

Friday 20 February 2009

I try to use blog

I am trying to use my blog now.

Although it is a little difficult,I have a lot of fun to try something new.

This week ,we have to find three website about Hitler.

Maybe it will be difficult for me first time.

Now,I am reading some website about him.

See you next week.

Wednesday 18 February 2009
