Saturday 3 October 2009

Renaissance Florence

This website has so much information about artists,paintings or the history of Florence.In addition, their introduce of paintings are very usrful to learn more details about the Renaissance .

I learned most people in Florence at that time ,they really believed that they lived in a new ages,a really different ages from Dark Ages.And humanists in Florence even styled their city a "new Athen".In Renaissance,painters used many different skills,ideas,and subjects from dark ages.For instance,painters always made the lines in the works disappear at a point,that is a special way to attract our eyes.

The Annunciation-by Fra Carnerale
I chose it because I like its color and composition.It really attract my eyes because I alway see along with its disappearence of line.I like this paintiong skill.

Saint John in the Dessart-by Domenico Voneziano
This painting use another skill which I like too is contrast.The painter colored mountain with white colors, and colored its against color-black.It made us have an impact of visual.I still can not
use this skill skillfully, it isn;t simple at all.

Friday 18 September 2009

Paintings in Siena
This website has much information about the paintings in Siena.I learned many special skills of painting.This website helps me a lot.

Madonna and Child

This painting is painted by Duccio di Buoninsegna.
I chose it because I like the its background .
The artist may kneaded the paper before painting it to make it looked more textural.This way of painting is very special.
In addition,although Buoninsegna didn't use so many colors on the work,you can always notice it because of its contrast.
That is why I chose it.

The Last Supper

This painting is also from Buoninsegna.
There were many paintings of The Last Supper in this time,but this one is one of the most special ones.It makes people fell another atmosphere from this paintiong.
It looks very plain,but you can "enter" it.The artist used more linesto show the perspective,but it still looked a little flat.
I think that perhaps it is the most different style from between then and now.
(Until now,I still don't know why there are circles over some man's head.
I guess that the artist may want to show the status of comfuse me a lot.

Friday 4 September 2009


The site doesn't have so much information about the introduce of Giotto,but it has a lot of great information about his paintings.

Kiss Of Judas

This painting is one of the most famous works from Giotto.
The artist used some techniques to make people foucus the action on Jesus and Judas.
You can notice that the man on the right side points them,and the weapons of the soilders also
make us pay more attention on what Juda did.This way is very sucessful.
In this painting,you may also find a few angry emoions on Jesus's face. In addition ,there are some interesting details in this picture,like the man on the left side ,I think he may wants to cut the other man's ear.
This website is good that I spent more time on it.It is different from the first site,it has nuch information about Giotto's life and his style on his paintings.

The Mourning Of Crist
His art was extremely innovative,you can see the reason in the
picture.There are some new elements in it,different from another paintings in dark ages .
This painting also use the same techniques to make people notice the subject,but you can see more lines in this work.I think this one may painted in early Renaissance.The color of this painting isn't very bright and beautiful,however,it brings a peaceful feeling to me.This one is one of my famous paintings from Giotto.

Friday 28 August 2009


This is one of the greatest art works from da Vinci- the Mona Lisa.

I think no one in the world doesn't know this great art work.
At first,Leonardo spent about four months with it .
If you look at the woman's eyes carefully,you must find that no matter which
sight you take,she is like looking at you.

That is very breathtaking.
And that is why Ilike this painting,it makes me feel like you can't know what the woman's real emotions.

But there is one thing that is strange in this painting,do you notice that?
The background of this painting doesn't match the subject.
They are different.Until now ,I can't find the reason.
I think that Leonardo da Vinci may hide his real thoughts in this works.

Mona Lisa's mystery smile

This picture is painted by a great artist-Michelangelo

Michelangelo is a painter,and also a sculpter.
He made many famous art works ,like "David", who desn't know this work?No one.
His production of painting are almost make for church, this painting is an example.
This paiting shows us the transmigration of a person's life.
In addition,in the bottom of this painting,that is the horrible hell,the people on the hell expose
the afraid emotions.According to this painting,you can know the cruelty in "Dark Ages",so I
post it.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

code breakers
This website is easy to compare different ciphers from different countries.Like the purple cipher of Japanese or the US army M-209 cipher.

I learnrd in WWII,every countries had each special codes to write some importamt information.
If a country could break the codes from the others, it would control the battle.

the code machine of Japan,they always called it“purple cipher”
This website is a little difficult to read because there isn't any pictures can help me to learn.
However,this website is also good.

I learned the US usually used Indian's language to make the code.If you didin't understant that special language,you couldn't break it .So the code of the US didn't broken by another countries at that time.
This is a webpage from the same website,but I think it is useful for me to learn more ,so I post it.

I learned at that time,Indians were really important.There are some Indians of the US who helped the army to write the code in this website.According to the introduce of them, I know that they all were the greatest hero of Allies.

I can't find much information about “code breakers”,so I just find some website about codes makers .....

Friday 19 June 2009

Prisoners Of War
This website is easy enough for me to read all the information in it.In addition,the pictures in this website help me a lot to learn more about prisoner camp.

I learned the war camps almost encircled with barbed wire and high wooden fencing.
If someone attempted to escape ,they would be execute in front of the other prisoners.How terrible!

the prisoner who attempted to escape
This is a webpage from the same website.It talks abot the prisoners of German prisoner camp.
The webpage shows us some camps in German.

I learned the prisoners in camps in German was given two meal a day,thin soup and break bread.Although the meals isn't good enough for a 「people」, the prisoners was contented because prisoners were humble then.

prisoners took the train to the cruel camps....

the view is really good .It's music also nice.........

Friday 12 June 2009

Spies in WWII

This website talks about four spies's history in WWII.I got much information from it.

I learned a spy should spend much time to get a country's trust, almost 5 to 10 years.
They have to pass a lot of questioning,also should hide their normal identity,life ,even their family.It is really a harsh mission.

a spy from Soviet.
This website is easy to read.It is a discussion from a spy .However , it doesn't have any pictures.

I learned that a spy has to shoulder a lot of danger.If you are found , you will lose your whole life.In addition, If one spy of a country are found,the government will questioning all people from the same place .

Saturday 6 June 2009

Pearl Harbor

This website is good.There is so much information about this raid,about the objective or warships,but this article is too long to read it clearly.So I spent a lot of time on it.
I learned this attack was a major engagemant of WWII.It was a military strike conducted by the Japanese navy against the US naval base because the harbor was an important military harbor of the US.In addition,this attack had several major aims,not only the Pearl Harbor.

the situation of this attack in pearl harbor.
This website us easier to read ,but it also has much information.

I learned that in this attack, the attacking planes came there in two waves,and it was all over soon.Most importantly,its fuel oil storage facilities emerged unscathed, it was really important for thier reconstruction.

the poster commemorating the attack,1942
I can't put the vedio right in the blog ,so I use this way to link.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Bombing Raids
This website talks about the bombing raid between British and Germen.There are many pieces of information in it.However,some information in it isn't very important,I think.

I learned early in the WWII,on the September3,1939,British started sending out their heavy bombers to attack the Germany cities.After that,the Germany navy deviate their former target to bumb London.In addition,America sent out many bombers to bumb Tokyo in the last year of this war.

the heavy bumbers of this war in Germany
This website is detailed.There is a list about the date of the bombing raids in Japan.
Although that is too difficult to remember all the dates,I learnrd a lot in it.

I learned the first bombing raid in Japan happened in Mariana Islands as early as 28 Nov 1944.
Many main buildings or ports in Japan was destroyed by America.
This attack almost made 500,000 Japanese deaths.That is so horrible war.

charred mother and her son in the attack in this war
This is a nice view that i found it from youtube.This view has great music,too.
This view make me feel I was in the war with them.

I learnd a lot from it.People can take a look at the vision in the plane.The vigor mke people inspire.According to this view,I can learn more about the bombing raid easily and interestingly.

Friday 22 May 2009

Iroquois Nation

This website is really good,it has all the information about Iroquois,like their food,customs and festival.I know a lot in it.
I learned they usually hunt deers for eating, and the teenagers will follow the elders to hunt.
Hunt their food and learn at the same time.In addition,most of the Iroquois tribes have six big festival every year.These festivals are hold to thanks to the good health food and also the clothes.

the Iroquois tribe's mask

This website is easy to read,and it is useful to learn about the Mohawk.However,it doesn't have any pictures in it.
I learned the name"Mohawk" was given to the tribe by the Algonquin,and this tribe tribe was one of the five founding Nations of the Iroquois League.In addition,the sixth Nation to join were the Tuscarora.
This is a webpage from ,I think it is helpful to learn about Mohawk's leader.

I learned called Joseph Brant by the whites was one of the famous leaders of this tribe.He leaded the whole tribe to side wuth Britain during the Revolutionary War.The tribe found themselves in the middle of the tensions mounted between the America and the British.In addition,Joseph returned from England to travel among the six Indian nations with message notto stay neutral.

There are too many thing about him.Anyhow,he maybe was the most sighnificant chief of this tribe---Mohawk.

Joseph Brant's picture

Saturday 16 May 2009

The Battle Of Britain

Ths website is good.It isn't very difficult,but useful.There are many pieces of information of the battle of Britain in 1940.

I learned the Germans entered Paris on June 14 and forced France surrender on June 22.And then,the British stood alone,it gave a chance to Hitler to conquer their island.Then ,the German sent armadas of bumbers and fighters over England hoping to lure the RAF,the most important air force of Britain.

the piolet of RAF

This is a view from YouTube.It is really good .this view is smooth.In addition,it's music is also good.
I learned the piolet should be ready so fast after the bell ringing.The vision in the helicopter is really good.In addition,it can shoot the target accurately.However ,to be a piolet is really hard and should be cruel.

This website is clear to describe this battle,and it also easy to understand what it says.

I learned the battle of Britain took place betweem Auguest and September 1940.

In addition , this battle remains one of the most famous of WWII,and in this battle ,the German controled the English Channel so that the British Navy would not be able to attack.

the poster of piolet

Friday 24 April 2009

Germany Army's wear
This website is full of pictures.However,it isn't has any artical about this subject,
just has pictures.
I saw the Germany army's uniforms and the burkle for them.It is very characteristic.
I really like their belt buckle,it is very cool.When I saw it,I wanted to be a Germany soilder.

It is their belt burkle.It is really cool.
I think this website is a shopping website.It has many army's uniforms.Like Russian's
and Germany army's.This website is also cool.
I learned about uniform is the logo of one army.If you wear it,you are the soilder of this country.
In addition,different country had different uniforms.Although they are alike,they are the emblem of different army.However ,one army does't have only one suit of uniform.

To find this website,I tried to search the word:Nazi army's uniform"It is useful to search this subject.
I learned about the Nazi's uniforms are colorful.All soilders have to wear it.
Hitler also wore like the other soilders,but add many burkle,like Nazi's logo.
coloful uniform og Nazi army.

This subject is difficult to find artical,always only found photos......

Friday 10 April 2009

German Occupation

This website is really good.I almost read the whole article.In addition,the pictures in it are better than any other website.

I learned in 1944,the Germans had a vast underground hospital in Jersey .There were many

laborers from throughout conquered Europe working in it.

Today,the hospital houses a amuseum of the German Occupation of Jersey.

This is that hospital.There are many Nazi's logos on the wall.

This website introduces some part of the WWII history.It is useful for us to learn about WWII.

I learned when Hitler wants to attack Britain,many country had declared their neutrality,like

Norway,Denmark,Sweden and Finland.However,Danish ports could also be used to launch naval attacks aggainst Britain,So Denmark was about to enter the war.

Nazi Party's logo.
This website is from youtube.It's really cool.
I learned the circumstance in that time.

Saturday 4 April 2009


This website is pretty easy.There are so many pictures in it.All the pictures in this website can

help people to learn more about stukas.

I learned so many things about stukas,like theirs power,weight and also theirs dimensions.

In addition,they fight took place during 1935.After that,theirs main role was close support on the eastern.Many country use them to attack in World War Two.

the stuka's form

I think this website is the best because there a lot of picture of the real stukas.

I am wonder that how the writer took the pictures.However,I really love this website.

I learned the stukas were the main weapons for WWII.The Nazi Party used them to through the bombs.There were about twenty stukas in the sky.In addition,only one person drove them.

However,this website says stukas were slow.I don't know that why they are useful in blitzkrieg.

They are really cool.
This website is really cool.There are full of the stuka's film.
I learned about when the stukas through the bomb,the air-raid alarm ring loudly.
Many building bursted at once. In addition ,I experience stukas's power.It is cool, but cruel.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Bomb Shelters-Air Raids

This website is easy to read.However,it has a few difficult words that I can't understand.

I learned about when the air raids coming,the students in the school will hide under the desk.

In addition,the teacher in America always taught to their students"dusk and cover"in case of unclear attack.Also,almost every school has some basements for huding.

This ewbsite is full of air raids 's view.I think it is very useful.However,it is very cruel.

I learned about the bomb is important in WWII.The America began the air raid in Tokyo.

They put many bombs on this city.the view just like the inferno.I think i don't like the war after

I watch this view.Because it is really terrible.

This website is really good to learn about the air raid's "history",but it is tired to read about it because there are too many difficult words.

I learned about the history about the air raid.Everything, every weapons are around the WWII.

In addition,in September.1995,the British prime minister inviting local authorties to create an 'Air Raid Wardens Service"At that time,many cartoon of a public shelter was published in Britain
The desigh of this sign is really fun.

Friday 13 March 2009

A World Devided


This website is a little difficult.Many words I can't understand and remember.However,it is very
useful to learn about "Fascism".

I learned about the word fascism has come to mean any system of government resesbling
Mussolini's.Fascism has a piece of philosophy"Everything in the State
nothing outside the State,nothing against the State"It is unique of the worl
. This is fascism's logo.

This webpage has a lot of webpages,they are all interesting.I just read the roots of communism.

I learnrd about the roots of communism lie squarely in the works of the philosopher Karl Marx.
First,this notion is great to people.However,many communist countries became absolutism now,like China and Soviet.People don't have the human right.

Karl Marx is the philosopher who brings up this notion.


This website has many pieces of information about democracy.I just read a little about it.

I learned about democracy attach importance to people.Greece was an ancient ,democratic

country.The Greek democracies did not spring up overnight before.Citizen in the democratic

country can vote their government.Taiwan is the democratic country,too.We can chose our

favorite partty.

The picture about democracy.

Friday 6 March 2009


The website has many pieces of information about powwow.Like the history or the ceremony.

I like this website because there aren't so many difficuit words.However the pictures in it are beautiful.

I learned about the main attraction is the Indian dances .

There are many styles about dance.I like the traditional style.It is men's style. It is also the most common style seen at powwow.The dancers wear beautiful costumes,and it is also special. In addition,the men's style and the women's style is different.

The website has so many different pictures from other website.It doesn't have a lot of words,but pictures.

I learned about the powwow in Denmark has many singers.They sing in the powwow.

The singers are greatly respected.In addition,the powwow in this country is very famous,and many children grow up near the drum and sit on the singer's laps while they sing.When the singers sing,they look like a big family. .

This website has some video about the powwow.It is very interesting.

I learned about there are some dancing contest about powwow.

Maybe men won the contest,and maybe women won,sometimes it had a man winner and a woman winner.
picture1: a man wearing a special costume.
picture2: many singers are singing and play the trums.
picture3: the Indian women are marching in a group.

Friday 27 February 2009

Nazi Party

This website has many web pages.I just read a web page is really about the Nazi Party.However,it doesn't have any picture.= =
In addition,it has many pieces of information about this party.

I learned about this party named Germany Worker's Party before Adolf Hitler become the leader.Also,the Nazi Party controlled virtually all activities in Germany until Germany's defeat in World War Two.

This website wrote many things about Hitler,but I think it has a great piece of information to learn this party.

I learned about under the leadership of Hitler,this party came to power in Germany in
1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until 1945.
And it founded as rhe the Germany Worker's Party by Anton Drexler.

This website talked about this party in many ways,like its terror and its racism.

I learned about its terror in this website.
After Hitler became chancellor of Germany in January 1993,it turned into a one-party
enforce Nazi policies.
After that,individuals lost the right to privacy which meant that officials could read people's mails,listen in on telephone conversations,and search private homes without a warrant. In that time, people in Germany didn't have any human rights at all.

picture1:the chancellor to review troops
picture2:it is from the website NO.3 .It is the solders of Nazi.

Saturday 21 February 2009


This website is easy to read,but it is useful to learn about Hitler.

I learned about Hitler was the leader of "Nazi Germany".

And he led Germany throughout "World War Two".

However, they lost this war.After that,Hitler killed himself on April 30 1945.

This website has a lot of difficult words,so I just read a little.

But Ithink it is also useful.

I learned about Hitler was born in a small town of Braunau Am Inn,Austria on the evening of A pril 20.1889.

his mother "Klara"and his father "Alois Hitler"married in 1884.

Of the six children born of this marrage,only two survived,Adolf(Hitler) and a youngrt sister

called Puala.
This website is many small words,but it is detailed.
I learned about Hitler'early life.
When Hitler was three years old,his family moved to Passau.
By 1990,Hitler's talents as an artist surfaced.He did well enough in school.
And he quit school at yhe age of 16 after his father died.
photo1:Master Hitler
photo2:the baby Adolf Hitler
I learned a lot of things about Hitler in each website.
They will be practical in the future.

Friday 20 February 2009

I try to use blog

I am trying to use my blog now.

Although it is a little difficult,I have a lot of fun to try something new.

This week ,we have to find three website about Hitler.

Maybe it will be difficult for me first time.

Now,I am reading some website about him.

See you next week.

Wednesday 18 February 2009
