Saturday 30 May 2009

Bombing Raids
This website talks about the bombing raid between British and Germen.There are many pieces of information in it.However,some information in it isn't very important,I think.

I learned early in the WWII,on the September3,1939,British started sending out their heavy bombers to attack the Germany cities.After that,the Germany navy deviate their former target to bumb London.In addition,America sent out many bombers to bumb Tokyo in the last year of this war.

the heavy bumbers of this war in Germany
This website is detailed.There is a list about the date of the bombing raids in Japan.
Although that is too difficult to remember all the dates,I learnrd a lot in it.

I learned the first bombing raid in Japan happened in Mariana Islands as early as 28 Nov 1944.
Many main buildings or ports in Japan was destroyed by America.
This attack almost made 500,000 Japanese deaths.That is so horrible war.

charred mother and her son in the attack in this war
This is a nice view that i found it from youtube.This view has great music,too.
This view make me feel I was in the war with them.

I learnd a lot from it.People can take a look at the vision in the plane.The vigor mke people inspire.According to this view,I can learn more about the bombing raid easily and interestingly.

1 comment:

  1. Really great. This is the most perfect post I have seen today. You have done some excellent work, and it seems you a learning a lot, as you yourself said. Awesome!
